Professional Licensing

Professionals and small business owners have to deal with licensing and many laws, regulations and rules. One false step, and you could be facing the loss of your license or business. If you are under investigation from a state licensing board, I can help you. These boards count on clients not to seek representation.  Even if you are only under investigation, the Board is building its case against you.  Whether you have made a mistake or are being wrongfully prosecuted, it’s important to seek assistance from an experienced litigator when your license is on the line.


Board Actions

I can represent you when one of the State Boards institutes an investigation or recommends action
against you, including ethics violations, licensure violations and problems in obtaining licensure. I can
represent you before any of the Boards all of which are located in Austin, Texas.

Licensing and Regulations

I can represent you if you are facing citations for violations or need assistance in obtaining
licensure for yourself or for your business.

Occupational Licenses

If your license has been suspended, I can represent you in obtaining an occupational license
which will allow you to get to and from work as well as to run necessary errands.

Administrative Hearings Before SOAH

I can represent you in an adverse hearing before the State Office of Administrative Hearings